Saturday, May 19, 2012

What is The Industrial Revolution?

The industrial revolution refers to the greatly increased output of machine-made goods that began in England during the 18th century. Before the industrial revolution people wove textiles by hand. Beginning in the middle 1700s, machines did this and other jobs as well. The industrial revolution started in England and soon spread to Continental Europe and North America. In an explosion of creativity, inventions now revolutionized industry.


1. When did the Industrial Revolution begin? 

2. What’s the first country that fueled this revolution?

3. What are some of the other countries involved in the Industrial Revolution?


  • Beck, Roger B.. "The Industrial Revolution, 1700-1900." Modern world history: patterns of interaction. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2005. 250-274. Print.

  • " Google Image Result for" Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2012. <

  • " Google Image Result for" Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2012. <

What Were the Major Advantages of the Industrial Revolution?

The industrial revolution brought about major inventions in the textile industry, improvements in transportation, water transportation, road transportation, and the railway age begins. The pace of industrialization quickened in Britain. Be the 1800s more people could afford to heat their homes with coal from Wales and to dine Scottish beef. They wore better clothing, too, woven on power looms in England’s industrial cities. These cities soon swelled with workers. Despite the problems that followed industrialization, the industrial revolution eventually had a number of positive effects. It created jobs for workers. It contributed to the wealth of the nation. It fostered technological progress and invention. It greatly increased the production goods and raised the standard of living. Perhaps most important, it provided the hope of improvement in people’s lives. The industrial revolution produced a number of other benefits as well. These included healthier diets; better housing; and cheaper, mass produced clothing. Because the industrial revolution created a demand for engineers as well as clerical and professional workers, it expanded educational opportunities.


1.    When the Industrial Revolution was starting out, what did most factories produce? 

2.    What forms of transportation were most important for the Industrial Revolution?

3.    How did the advances in agriculture during the period effect food production?


  • " Google Image Result for" Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2012. <

  • " Google Image Result for"Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2012. <

What were the Disadvantages of the industrial Revolution?

The industrial revolution eventually led to a better quality of life for most people. Yet the change to machine production also caused immense human suffering. In Britain, the industrial revolution proved to be a mixed blessing. The disadvantages brought on by this revolution were poor living conditions, poor working conditions, and class tensions. A large inequality developed between the industrialized west and the rest of the world. Britain led in exploiting its overseas colonies for resources and markets. Soon other European countries, the United States, Russia, and Japan followed Britain’s lead, seizing colonies for their economic resources. Imperialism was born out of the cycle of industrialization, the development of new markets around the worked, and the need for resources to supply the factories of Europe.


1. How does the term laissez faire apply to the Industrial revolution? 

2. How were the patterns of industrialization different in France and the rest of continental Europe from those established in Britain? 

3. How did gender roles become more rigid in the 19c as a result of industrialization?


  •"Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2012. 

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